Friday, 29 July 2011


fingers amble to  
gently caress my flushed cheek
for moment, time stilled      

shoulders burrow deep
listening to shallow breaths
heart content, i sleep


Author's Note:   This is a senryu (a haiku form) because the subject is emotions or life; outside of nature.  While writing with a form restricts my thoughts, it is a challenge to find the right words to make it tight and meaningful (17 syllables).  The haiku form is growing on me; it is much easier than the Royal Rhyme Form.


  1. you can hardly tell you struggled.

    love it!

  2. a good snuggles...your verse feels good to me...and i could not agree more on following the verse in your heart...

  3. perfection! :)

  4. Thanks Lisa and David ~

    Brian, I hear you. Thanks for the visit. I will be checking in with D'Verse later to see what is our prompt/challenge.

  5. I love the Haiku! Beautiful!

  6. My fave line:
    "for moment, time stilled"


  7. Beautiful! I'd way rather try the royal rhyme though. :)

  8. Such great senryu!!! I'd like to try this form (and also Tanka) sometime... the photo's are beautiful too!

  9. haiku & senryu were the first writing i ever did, so they hold a special place in my heart. {though i wish i didn't have haiku in the name of my blog.} i still have to count the syllables on my fingers though {giggle} so that should tell you how far beyond my skill level is any form with "feet" and "meters" and rhyming, for that matter.

    some of the modern poets don't worry if there's an extra syllable {or fewer} if the poem requires a certain word to sound right and it's coming from your heart.

    your senryu are beautiful, Heaven! i like the hint of sensuality in the first and the love that comes through in the second.
    dani ♥

  10. fluid, lovely and tactfully tactile

  11. These are beautiful.

  12. Really like these Heaven. I started off counting the syllables and then quickly moved to free form haiku and senryu... // Peter.

  13. So sensual, the lovely aftermath of passion, intimate. Welcome to haiku my heart!


Thanks for your visit and comments ~ I appreciate them ~