Monday, 14 May 2012


Here in the farm house, they lie  
ashen cold, dreaming of cherry trees
and plum fruits in summer fest, sweet sap
to rapture the bees and bloom almond trees

Here in the seed shop, they curl 
in their shells for the turn of tide
or the break of dawn, withered dry, 
scentless, dandelions dust in the field 

Here in my hands, they drink the rain
deeply inhaling the river bed, dappled sun     
until their eyes open, a sleeping forest 
no more, gifting me a thousand words 

Post and Inspiration:    The Seed Shop by Muriel Stuart

Posted for:   OpenLinkNight of Imaginary Garden with Real Toads
and D'verse Poets Pub, every Tuesday

We are having a bright spring day, and all the shops here are selling flowers and seeds.  
Thanks for the visits and smiles ~


  1. All from a tiny seed that can create a picture worth such words, nature can be quite wonderful indeed.

  2. grandfather was a seed man...he died when i was 7 or 8 so i know him mainly through the stories...he owned a seed shop and sold them...i like to think he played a role in many a garden, or forest...smiles. nice verse much potential in each seed we sow...

  3. Beautiful, especially the last line.

  4. the metaphoric resonance of seeds on multiple levels creates a stirring effect.kudos!

  5. I think it is difficult to take any singular item, write a poem about it, and still say something both fresh and significant. Well done.

  6. and very beautiful words they are too...

  7. And all a seed needs is fertile ground...

  8. "to rapture the bees and bloom almond trees"

    That's incredibly lovely.

  9. This is really beautiful - I love how you turned the literal seeds to metaphor in the final stanza.

  10. seeds. the potential to be anything.

    this is really good heaven. :)

  11. Beautiful, Heaven, Flowers are always speaking to us, in all their guises.

  12. This poem makes me want to go out and buy some flower seeds -- sunflower seeds. And plant them! :)

  13. Yum...this is a sight, what a great presence and flow. This one had its own quality of light. Beautifully done Grace, you are inspiring.

  14. Wow! Heaven this is beautiful writing! So neat today I read a children's book "The Seed Sleeps," illustrated by Sylvia Long and I can't remember the author but you would have loved it!!!

  15. Enjoyed the read, enjoyed the write, and from a seed life is born

  16. it's lovely giving life to plants.... Especially planting a whole tree!

  17. All types of life evolves from a little loving nurturing and... seeds, yes indeed.
    Lovely writing Grace.

  18. This is so beautiful, Grace. I love it.

  19. Just love it- love it---- peaceful full of life piece

  20. Gifting me with words... so beautiful...

  21. This is refreshingly lovely, such promise of spring and life...beautifully voiced, I smiled reading this :)

  22. This is amazing; you blow me away every time.

    What a delicious dream:
    "dreaming of cherry trees
    and plum fruits in summer fest, sweet sap
    to rapture the bees and bloom almond trees"

    The third stanza gives me chills, especially:
    "Here in my hands, they drink the rain" and "their eyes open, a sleeping forest no more, gifting me a thousand words"

    This is inspiring poetry.

  23. Seeds. They start everything. You show us that here, sweetly.

  24. Grace, I love these lines...Here in my hands, they drink the rain
    deeply inhaling the river bed, dappled sun
    until their eyes open, a sleeping forest
    no more, gifting me a thousand words .....Gorgeous!!!!!!!

  25. From the smallest acorns the tallest oaks can grow, from the smallest seeds of ideas grow the most intricate poems.

  26. Always a surprise here, never disappointment--your writing creations and other things! And tonight, at this later hour,
    a reverie-type read
    is what I need...
    About seeds.

    A new life for forest, and me, and for your gift of a thousand words.

  27. Beautiful imagery, lovely thoughts of spring. Incidentally I just went to a farm and got to experience some of the same thing...

  28. ah there's so much magic in those seeds...they carry whole kingdoms of wonder, waiting to wake...very nice..

  29. Seed for thought, seed for beautiful flowering poetry. This is really lovely! ...Jackie

  30. Get those seeds to work! Such an amazing thing a seed. Well depicted. k.

  31. Beautifully composed and balanced. A real artwork.

  32. Evocative and beautifully expressed. Love it.

  33. Upon reading this again, I find that you, the speaker, are a love goddess gifting a human couple with intimate connection. These are different scenes in which their love unfolds, their eyes open, and they curl up together. The two people are your seeds, and you are tending them.

  34. until their eyes open, a sleeping forest
    no more


  35. really REALLY nice....painting such beautiful descriptions- but also- looking deeper this made me think about the meaning- seeds- the beginning of life, new beginnings- ideas, dreams- it was all here for me...very accomplished indeed

  36. Beautiful metaphor for all that comes with care, enlightenment, and shelter. Wonderfully written!

  37. Sorry so late in commenting. Your poem is lovely, always rewarding me with craft and beauty.

  38. Beautiful piece! I especially like the last stanza,

    "Here in my hands, they drink the rain.."

    That is such a pure image. Your words are always a pleasure to read :) And thank you for reading over at my place. I appreciate your comments, too!

  39. Beautiful. Seeds have such potential, a whole lot hidden waiting to break forth under the right conditions. They are a wonder and deserve the attention you gave them in this poem.

  40. so now we all have to remember, on birthday or christmas time, we must get our writer friends 1000 words (or more).

    when time races like a bullet

  41. Very poetic natural imagery ... enjoying your poetry more and more

  42. my favorite parts were the last lines of each graph, which was so effective: rapture the bees and bloom almond trees, dandelions dust in the field, a sleeping forest no more, gifting me a thousand words. here in your hands was such a soft setting, too. wonderfully revealing write.


Thanks for your visit and comments ~ I appreciate them ~