Tuesday, 2 April 2013


           you put this pen
in my hand &  i take flight,
far away from the icy wind-
            somewhere tropical,
the distance calls.  thunders  

            along old & rusty train
tracks,  running parallel 
along the bend, promising  
            our paths will cross at
distant junction.   we pull. 
            meeting along the
sea tide, where the sands break  
the rocks into its knees.   we taste
           salt in our faces, our bound-
aries clinging like weeds.   we push.

          hungry for fullness of the 
moon.   you put a knife in my hand.
the horizon & walls slip away.   
          we cling.   like missing
pieces across the white page.        

Posted for:   OpenLinkNight - D'verse Poets Pub - Thanks for the visit ~ 


  1. clinging like missing pieces across the white page..love this..and with a pen in the hand we're just able to travel anywhere...it's like having wings suddenly...smiles

    1. The pen is like having wings ~ Thanks Claudia ~

  2. whew...interesting change from pen to knife...sometimes they are the same tool you know...smiles....i need to go get my pen so i can take a trip to the seaside...thats what i am saying...smiles....happy OLN grace...

  3. I like how everything is happening and then nothing is happening, but just a blank page. I'll re-read this many times. In writing, I can fly too.

    1. Good perspective Mosk ~ It's all in my head actually ~

  4. " we taste
    salt in our faces, our bound-
    aries clinging like weeds. we push.

    hungry for fullness of the
    moon." LOVE THIS!

  5. What a trip you take me through and that knife in the end... so strong.

  6. What I take from this is that with our pen we can take ourselves anywhere with our words and meet whatever and whoever we wish. Admittedly I am not quite sure what to make of the knife at the end....

    1. A knife is a knife ~ Smiles ~ Thank you Mary ~

  7. I like the way Buddah sees it.
    Living in your head and then seeing the possibilities to tempt you out.

  8. This was complx...a pen placed in your hand in stanza one, a knife in the last...felt like you cut away reality via poetry...beautifully done.

    1. I sometimes feel that way with writing ~ Thank you for the visit ~

  9. Hi Grace,

    I really liked the last two lines..nice poem

    we cling. like missing
    pieces across the white page.

  10. what's with the knife, Grace?

  11. Love the wings the pen gives us, beautiful !

  12. I love all the places the pen takes us--and how you told it!

  13. "along old & rusty train
    tracks, running parallel
    along the bend, promising
    our paths will cross at
    distant junction."

    what a great picture this paints... the whole piece a great read

  14. Yummy read as usual. I really liked this, "our bound-
    aries clinging like weeds".

  15. Can sure fly away, to some far off bay, just let ones self go and away we will flow.

  16. This is absolutely wondrous, I wish I felt this floaty feeling more often myself.

  17. those last few lines are amazing in meaning..so true

    where is the food when mother is not?

  18. The pen can be like a knife... hurtful through the written word. Lots to think about here... love it!

  19. This is so filled with life, the life we write for ourselves, with the life we live behind it. Love.

  20. You took me racing along through a beautiful daydream. Your imagery is delicious.

  21. I love this, Grace! Vivid and exciting!

  22. Grace, I love the twisty end, I wasn't expecting a knife, whew!


  23. Very clever...so many ways to read this and every way is intriguing and exciting...all those missing pieces across a white page...Great stuff!!!

  24. Killer ending...! a bit unexpected...clever write!

  25. I feel cheated... I don't get the knife stanza... and the rest of it is SO GOOD...

  26. the pen took me
    the knife stopped me

    I'm intrigued

  27. I really like this:
    "we taste
    salt in our faces, our bound-
    aries clinging like weeds. we push."

    Love the last stanza too. And everything you did to make this visually appealing, all the play with spacing. Very nice.

    ~wit, et al

  28. I'm not sure if it was intended, but the shape of the poem also reminded me of train tracks - very cool.

  29. I took it just as you made my eyes see it: Tristan Und Isolde. Running, pushing, pulling, and need to stop--for good!

    Whatever you meant, whatever I "saw", it is terrific. Now I going to sleep well...well?

  30. Way to go Grace..I love the way this flows..esp. sand, rocks, sea, weeds,salt...as your pen takes flight .

  31. The pen can create so much; the knife brings only endings - or atleast that's how I'm reading it.

  32. This poem is bursting with delicious imagery! Love it!

  33. I especially like the parallel tracks seeking to cross at some point. The pen gives rise to so many compelling images that would otherwise remain dark...

  34. A beautiful journey of a couples love. Thank you!

  35. I'm partial to pencils, but it is amazing the journey you can take with such a simple tool. the knife took me a bit by surprise...I'll have to ponder that addition for a bit, see where it leads me. a lovely journey, I do enjoy the pen being in your hand.

  36. I took flight with this poem - really loved the lines of the second stanza with the train and the crossing paths - lovely write! K

  37. Through writing and imagination, we create worlds and experiences and then share them with others. This one, filled with natural images as well as longing, love and lust, is quite a ride!

  38. Oh my goodness... the pen, the knife... we push, we pull... finding the place to be together. Beautiful.

  39. beautiful....we cling. I love that and the images you painted....simply wonderful.

  40. "far away from the icy wind-
    somewhere tropical,
    the distance calls"

    you say and suddenly I'm in my own long-standing fantasy to be rich and live in a tropical land.

    Dizzy love sick would be nice, too, and you seem to have included that for our enjoyment, too. I even like train rides to meet mysterious strangers, so you had much to delight here.

    Thanks for the fun!

  41. Very sharp contrast ! This minute pen in hand, the next minute knife in hand!

  42. I love this flight, I enjoy the anticipation of what could happen at that "junction" and what does happen too,,,Lovely,,

  43. How can you survive without frangipani and mangoustine?!This cannot be good for you,

  44. LOVE the contrast here. Push and pull...

  45. What a magical instrument -- the pen. :-)


Thanks for your visit and comments ~ I appreciate them ~