Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The shades of my name

I learn my name in a dream-wheel

       Two women walk, unconscious of eyes
       that follow their hips & breasts swaying

Beneath my skin & layers of failures, a meaning 

       One woman carries a tray of berries 
       red & flowering, undisguised
       she is unstoppable, the fruit of the season                        

Stirring guts-deep, a faint primitive impulse  

       The other woman is tender, draped of blooms
       blue & evasive, a penumbra under a tree 
       she is on threshold of tasting a seed

Part-sun, part-shadow,  I know her-  



Posted for Imaginary Garden for Real Toads - Word Challenge by Hedgewitch - Mind & Symbol
"'We are to use at least five of the words from this list drawn from Chapter One of Carl Jung's Man & His Symbols, in your choice of either a poem utilizing a form, in a prose-poem,  or in free verse. " 

Thanks for the visit ~


  1. cool structure on this one grace, it could work as a cleave....two seperate poems or one all together...i like how you show both sides of one person in two people...great title as well....smiles.

  2. I like the way you have described these two women, Grace. And... I think we ALL know the one who is part sun and part shadow!

  3. Such an innovative way of combining two poems - or threads - into one whole.

  4. I love the first line of this, Heaven. It is just one of those emotional truths that I think perfectly steps out from the idea of the challenge and nails it. And as poetry, the form is intuitive and subtle, the whole lyric and musical, as well as full of hints of that other world beneath the seen and shown, the Unknown we carry that goes back all the way to those first symbols of fruitfulness and the creation myths--I sense a hint of Persephone here as well as Eve. Thanks so much for participating.

    1. I didn't about Persephone but unconsciously I must have ~ Thanks for a lovely challenge ~

  5. Two sides to everything and everyone, as both try and struggle to be let out

  6. Love the phrase "dream-wheel", and "she is unstoppable" could be the most concise definition of woman I have read! I think all of the women I have known well have dual natures in that, even when they appear very strong and assertive, a closer look reveals a very tender self that calls out for loving. But I don't want to appear sexist. I think men have this dual nature as well.

    1. Thank you for the thoughtful comments Mark ~ I appreciate it ~

  7. "layers of failures," yet unstoppable. wow.

    1. A paradox but aren't we all ~ Thanks Marian ~

  8. I love how you made before of them unique and blossom! Clever, Grace and so beautiful~

  9. What a unique blending of two poems...together they create unity or each could easily stand alone...

  10. Great response to the prompt, Grace, and Jung would be proud of how you mix light and shadow into our humanity. Gentle supple weave of conversations, too.

  11. Your words accompany Gaugain's painting to perfection.

  12. Fantastic write, two sides of self . . . two poems. Love this.


Thanks for your visit and comments ~ I appreciate them ~