Saturday, 31 January 2015

The muse with golden hair

With a brush
you draw graffiti 
on my walls, bubbly & gay
sugar pink, yellow ochre, blue sky- 
i bloom -  spring ! 


Draw me gold
bronze, honey, amber
saffron, any shade but grey
I'll lave your feet with oil & kisses
sweet to drown-


Here's your ink
ribbed of river's gleam
but here's the catch - no nets, nor 
velvet chains to bind me as a bird -
(this lady gets up to go to work) 
& i'll stay -

(DING XIONGQUAN, 1929-2010)

A Kiss, A Kiss (Lady with Yellow Hair)

Posted for D'verse Poets Pub - OpenLinkNight Hosted by Claudia
& (late entry for) Expanded Cinquian hosted by Tony Maude ~ Five lines of 3,5,7,9 & 3 syllables

Thanks for the visit ~

Sunday, 25 January 2015

A list of what the flower owns

Pinch of morning 
rain slicking blades green

Remnant of snake's skin
warm & dangerous

Secrets of bees
As they circle as matadors

Devouring all affections,
Making you hungry for stinging 

Kisses.  Perfume. Cinnamon 
seeds.  Volley of crisp winter air 

that guzzles your lungs
flaring your nostrils red

your skin honey-yellow moist
when I am

to you-

Photography by Totomai Martinez

Posted for Imaginary Garden for Real Toads:   Play it Again - Write a Flowery Poem in a Non-cliched way & Word Count With MamaZen (Hungry in 57 Words) & Poets United

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Seducing with TenWords

I don't wear
shoes nor lipstick
Only spice


I draw from memory -
      half-dazed moon
      peeling your skin



Night sky carried you
    between violin percussions
    & electric kisses



With you
    become midnight 
    fire & oil 
    burnishing golden

First post is for Poetry Jam - Shoes or Feet hosted by Mary
And for D'verse Poets Pub - TenWords hosted by Victoria ~  Thanks to Brian for fun form, smiles ~

photo credit:  here