I. Blade the neck of flowers Distill oil, soft as vanilla Musky as sandalwood Imagine words dripping lashing their own distinct perfume on your fingers
II. First bite into apple Tangs your tongue crisp as morning rain Bottle it- spring's perfume III. Wound the tree repeatedly until myrrh gum bleeds darkens the parched bones- The perfume of sorrow IV. Witness the pearl growing a thin amber of silk wings upon another layer, threads mirroring light deep into roots- The harmony of music is perfume V. Moonlight on your arms Fire in your eyes The fruit of my desire There is no perfume headier than you
Bid the sun to rise soft as dew On my skin, rain-fragrant trail And I will bloom, pink and new Where the knot tangles cold residue and turns kisses to fading memories Bid the sun to rise soft as dew There's sap on my palms, honeydew on my lips, bees on my knees- Soon, I will bloom, pink and new Wrapping away winter's bluff, so blue Paint my core-seeds cerise Bid the sun to rise soft as dew There's a spell to brew Ripening petals in quivering tryst This blooming, pink and new I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees Bid the sun to rise soft as dew And blooming, I am pink and new * From Pablo Neruda poem's Everyday You Play: I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees Posted for Poets United - Cherry Blossoms and D'verse Poets Pub - Villanelle poetry form - 19 line poetry form with two repeating rhymes and two refrains ~ Join me later at 3pm EST ~